Most of medical emergencies arise without warning . Time
for arrival of
medical help sometimes costs the life of an individual . In
order to prevent further
damage to them, we have designed this course that enables
you to
help save a life.
Basic Life Support is an advanced course that will help you
hands on experience
by practicing on mannequins in a real life type setting.
To become a Champion in handling Emergencies
Course Highlights
Identify fatal emergencies like a stroke or a heart attack
First aid management for cases like syncope, airway
local anesthetic toxicity, asthmatic attack, chest pain,
hemorrhage, and seizure. etc.
Understanding the “Good Samaritan Law”
Hands-On Practice for first-aid procedures
Standardized approach and better critical thinking
A Dental professional is competent to independently handle
Empower individual who can take a lead role and guide those
around to help manage medical emergency.